This is the June 10, 1999 newsletter that was send to all who registered with our Website.

Subject: 1999 International Hillbilly Convention Webletter, Issue #5
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 00:43:11 -0400
From: Gary Schweinshaupt
Organization: Hillbilly mailing list

Hi cuzzins,

You have received this message because you have signed our guest
book at , sent me an email about the
Hillbilly Convention or you have some connection with the 1999
International Hillbilly Convention. If you do not wish to be on the
email list for this Webletter, please email me at and ask to be removed. If you have
received this message from a friend and wish to be added to the mail
list, send a message to be added. If you know someone that should be
on our list, send me their name and email address and I will gladly
add them. Your response to forward previous Webletters was great,
we have had quite a number of cuzzins request to be on the mailing
list - thanks.

This is the fifth Official 1999 International Hillbilly Convention
Webletter, if you would like to see previous Webletters, we are
now keeping an archive on the Web home page. We will try to send
out Webletters periodically to keep you updated on what the
convention officers are working on and to provide you with details
that we hope will help you all have a great 1999 Hillbilly Convention.

You can help us by letting us know what you need that the Website is
not giving you and by letting every Hillbilly and every Clan you have
contact with, know about our Website. Please forward this Webletter
to other cuzzins or temple members that you think might be interested.
To be successful, we need EVERYONE to know our Website is
available. PLEASE HELP!

There are still a lot of clans and temples that do not have an online
identity. Please check the "Links and email addresses for Hillbilly
Organizations" to see if you might be able to provide email addresses
and URLs for any of the clans or temples.

After that last Webletter, I received a rash of chain letter and virus
warning hoaxes. If you get a chain letter or virus warning in the
email, please go to my Web page for the
Sarasota Personal Computer Users Group. There are several links
there to help you determine if the message you have received contains
a valid warning, or if it is a hoax before you send it on to all your
friends and associates and clog up the airways with a lot of useless
stuff. It might keep you from being embarrassed and your friends from
being irritated.

Best regards,

Gary Schweinshaupt, Webmaster


Sarasota, Florida October 6-9, 1999

June 7,1999

Update on the 1999 Hillbilly Convention
from your Secretary George Burgess

The Headquarters Hotel will be announced right after the meeting
on Wednesday, June 16. All of the committees are working on their
separate projects. The registrations are starting to come in very slowly.

The sets of Tervis Tumblers are starting to sell (information available
on the Website), the drawing for the ATV is starting to pick up in sales.
We also have other projects we are working on for making money for
the Shriners Hospitals.

The Convention Patches are for sale so don't forget to order them with
your Registration to make sure you can get one when you arrive, they
are selling fast (information available on the Website). We sold some
at Pikeville when the Hillbilly's met up there.

Many people have rented rooms, but we have not received their registration
form. If you are going to participate in the golf or the tours, please let us
know as soon as you can (reservations have to be made).

Let's give you an update on the tables for the Marketplace!!!!!!!! The cost
is $25 for each table all during the convention. Not $25 per day per table.
For those of you who have paid $25 per day per table, you will receive
a refund. Your check will be waiting for you when you arrive at the convention.

We are all trying real hard to make this a great convention for all of you and
us. Camping reservations are stating to come in. If you want to camp with
someone or next to them get your reservations in so that I can get your
camping permit back to you so all you have to do is drive into your
site. Remember you cannot park in a camping site until you have your
camping permit. Send in your reservation and money so I have time
enough to send your camping permit. This is a must. Please! Please!

Also remember the cost of registration goes up to $30 each after
September 1, 1999. If anything new comes up we will let you know
as soon as possible.

The registration form is available on the Web home page, send it on in.

Don't forget we will have a breakfast at Sahib Shrine Temple each morning
and a free lunch each day at the Sarasota County Fairgrounds, where all
the activities are going to take place.

There will be a ladies luncheon at Sahib Shrine Temple on Friday.

We will have a special area at the fairgrounds for the hospitality rooms.
The registration desk will be open as needed from Wednesday at
12:00 Noon through Saturday till Noon.

Camping Committee Chairman Ed Wentzel told us he would be at the
fairgrounds on Monday for early arrivals. Come on ahead, we'll be
ready for you'all!

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Date: Sun, 02 May 1999
From: Ron Harrison

We here at Clan 59 are now in full running speed for the 2000 Convention.
My QUESTION to you is have you found this Web page a benefit to the
convention i.e. registration and general questions.

In your opinion has the time and effort been well spent on ALL your efforts
for the clan or are we to advanced for the average HILLBILLY. As the
registration person I want to make this as easy and efficient at the start
so we don't have to change speed half way through. Your thoughts and
suggestions as always will be Gratefully ACCEPTED. YITF RON

(Webmaster's response: The question would best be presented to the users
of the Website, right now they are the only ones who can tell you if the
information is worthwhile. Currently there have been over 2,200 visitors
to the site. Over 100 people have registered for the Webletter and
approximately 100 have left messages in the guest book.

If you have an opinion on the value of the Website so far, please respond
to Ron at Since they will be hosting the
convention next year in London, Ontario, your response could make the
difference as to whether they have a Website or not. I told him it was
still too early for the 1999 Convention Committee to know how you all
felt about the Website.)

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Subject: Outhouses From: Karl Cooler <>

(Webmaster's Note: I'm not all that knowledgeable about the structure
of clans. When I started getting listings for Outhouses - some clans
have several - I asked Karl to tell me something about them, following
was his reply. Everyday I learn something new!)

Branch Clans, or Outhouses as they are commonly called are allowed
by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand and Glorious Order of
the Hillbilly Degree.

For Temple purposes only, Outhouses are considered separate parade
units, although Hillbillies always mix things up in the parades.

For Imperial Hillbilly purposes, all reporting is done from the Outhouses
to the Main Clan and then to the Imperial Hillbillies.

In Omar Temple, we have the Main Clan, Clan 82 and three Outhouses:
Outhouse #1 is located in Moncks Corner, about 45 miles northeast of
Charleston; Outhouse #2 is located in Conway, about 90 miles north of
Charleston and 15 miles west of Myrtle Beach; and Outhouse #3 is
located in Dillon SC, approximately 110 miles north of Charleston
and near where I-95 crosses into South Carolina from North Carolina.

The total membership in Clan 82 is limited to 30 degree team members
and also thirty degree team members in each of the Outhouses. At the
present time, Clan 82 has a waiting list; Outhouse #1 has a waiting
list; Outhouse #2, started in 1996, is up to 23 members; and Outhouse #3,
started in 1997, is up to 18 members.

As you can see by our Web page , the combined
effort of Clan 82 raised over $103,000 in 1998. This is the first time in
the history of Omar that any unit has surpassed $100,000. Just goes to
show what hillbillies can do working together.

My suggestion would be to include a listing for Clan 82 and each out-
house and send the updates to each one. We try to visit each other and
spread the word among the clan and the outhouses, but there is a lot of
distance between us and it would be better if each of the Rabans had
the word to pass on to his unit.

Your Web page is great. I have enjoyed keeping up with your (our)
convention as it has developed. I think that your group is setting a
standard for future conventions. I wish that I could have gotten our
people to get the word out as you have done. We look forward to
enjoying your hospitality this year.

I was Raban of Outhouse #2 in 1998 and through the last convention.
It would appear that your group has all their stuff together, but I would
be glad to assist in any way that I can.

Karl Cooler

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Subject: Hillbilly Shriners E-Mail Group Established
From: Rick Van Cura <>

Howdy, Cuzzins!!

Since so many of us are learning to read AND write, this is a list
where we can communicate ideas about our activities and how to
better position ourselves to do what we do best. Not a replacement
for the Hillbilly Press, but an adjunct to it.

Please keep Jokes to a minimum and we're looking to hear from
"y'all" with some good ideas.

Group Manager:

To subscribe, send a message to or go to the e-group's
home page at

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Subject: Bathroom From:

Dear Cuzzin,

Uncle has got a job - the first in 48 years. We are rich now - $17.25
every Thursday - so we sent up to Sears, Roebuck & Co. and got one
of them thar new-fangled bathrooms like rich people have up north.

It come and we had it all put right in. You should see it! Over in one
corner of the room there is this big white thang like the pigs drink out
of, only you git in and take a bath all over at once. On the other side
of the room is a little white gadget hangin' on the wall -- they call it
a zinc. This is fer lite washin' like yer face and hands. They also sent
a roll of writin paper, but it's kinda cheap - it tears easy. But over in
the other corner -WOW! - they got a thang thar you put one foot in
and scrub it til it's clean, then pull the chain and get some fresh water
fer the other foot.

Two lids come on the darn thang. We ain't got no use fer them, so Ma
is usin' one fer a bread board and we framed Grandpa's pitcher in the
other one.


Cuzzin Zelda

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