This is the January 31, 1999 newsletter that was send to all who registered with our Website.
Subject: 1999 International Hillbilly eNewsletter, Issue #3
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 15:25:25 -0500
From: Gary Schweinshaupt
Organization: Hillbilly mailing listHi cuzzins,
You have received this message because you have signed our guest book at , sent me an email about the Hillbilly Convention or you have some connection with the 1999 International Hillbilly Convention. If you do not wish to be on the email list for this newsletter, please email me at and ask to be removed. If you have received this message from a friend and wish to be added to the mail list, send a message to be added. If you know someone that should be on our list, send me their name and email address and I will add them.
We plan to continue sending out these eNewsletters periodically to keep you updated on what the convention officers are working on and to provide you with details that we hope will help you all have a great 1999 Hillbilly Convention.
You can help us by letting us know what you need that the Website is not giving you and by letting every Hillbilly and every Clan you have contact with, know about our Website. Please forward this newsletter to other cuzzins or temple members that you think might be interested. So far, we have had about a half a dozen request to be on the mailing list due to your help. To be successful, we need EVERYONE to know our Website is available. PLEASE HELP!
In our next communication, I hope to have some important details on the shopping in our area, we know the ladies will be interested.
Best regards,
Gary Schweinshaupt, Webmaster
Sarasota, Florida October 6-9, 1999A few more updates has been added to the master convention schedule and has been posted to the Website
Gary has the registration form on the Web page now, so feel free to start the registration process, I am ready and willing to start my list. The earlier the better and then I won't have to do it later.
We are looking forward to a great convention.
If I can be of any assistance to any of you, please let me know.
George Burgess
1999 International Hillbilly Convention Treasurer.