This is the January 11, 1999 newsletter that was send to all who registered with our Website.
Subject: 1999 International Hillbilly eNewsletter, Issue #1
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 12:54:50 -0500
From: Gary Schweinshaupt <>
To: Hillbilly MaillistHi cuzzins,
You have received this message because you have signed
our guest book at , sent
me an email about the Hillbilly Convention or you have
some connection with the 1999 International
Hillbilly Convention. If you do not wish to be on the
email list for this newsletter, please email me at and ask to be removed. If you
have received this message from a friend and wish to be
added to the mail list, send a message to be added. If
you know someone that should be on our list, send me
their name and email address and I will add them.We hope to send out eNewsletters periodically to keep
you updated on what the convention officers are working
on and to provide you with details that we hope will
help you all have a great 1999 Hillbilly Convention.You can help us by letting us know what you need that
the Website is not giving you and by letting every
Hillbilly and every Clan you have contact with, know
about our Website. Please forward this newsletter to
other cuzzins or temple members that you think might be
interested. To be successful, we need EVERYONE to know
our Website is available. PLEASE HELP!Our first update comes from 1999 Convention Treasurer
George Burgess.Best regards,
Gary Schweinshaupt, Webmaster
Sarasota, Florida
October 6-9, 1999The 1999 convention committee members are working
towards a successful convention. We have been meeting
on the third Wednesday of every month and things are
gradually coming together.The list of hotels and motels, phone numbers and
directions was sent to the Hillbilly News for them to
publish in the February Issue. Much of this information
is available NOW on the Website along with
a map to show you, not only where the hotels are, but
other important locations as well.The Registration form should be ready for publication
on January 21. At which time I will send it to the
Hillbilly News for publication in the March Issue. I
will also turn it into our Webmaster so you can get it
off the Internet.We will be having tours on Thursday and Friday. One to
Ringling Museum and one to
Mote Marine Lab A golf
tournament is on for Thursday morning at Rolling Green
Golf Club:
, at 8:00 a.m., $40 cost includes Green Fee, Cart,
Continental Breakfast, Drinks on Course, Lunch, and Prizes
both Mommas and Poppas are encouraged to sign up.We will have a breakfast at Sahib Shrine Temple each
morning and a free lunch each day at the Sarasota
County Fairgrounds, where all the activities are going
to take place.There will be a ladies luncheon at Sahib Shrine Temple
on Friday.Bring your parade vehicles because we have a place for
you to keep them at the fairgrounds. Talking about
parades our chairman of this event passed away about a
month ago and left a big void in our convention
committee.We will have a special area at the fairgrounds for the
hospitality rooms. The registration desk will be open
as needed from Wednesday at 12:00 Noon through Saturday
till Noon.We are looking forward to this convention and will do
everything we can to make your stay enjoyable. If we
can do anything for you send me email: and I will get back with you.As things develop I will get it to the proper channels
and you will all hear what's new in the world of
Hillbilly Conventions for 1999.George Burgess,
1999 International Hillbilly Convention Treasurer.